Top 5 Programming Languages to Learn in 2020

Top 5 Programming Languages to Learn in 2020

Top 5 Programming Languages

The programming and developer communities are emerging at a rate faster than ever before. Various new programming languages are coming up that are suited for different categories of developers (beginners, intermediate, and experts) as well as for different use cases (web application, mobile applications, game development, distributed system, etc). Every beginner is puzzled with the question, "What programming language should I learn?" Let us take a look at best Programming Languages to learn in 2020 for a job and for future prospects:

Why the top programming languages are so popular? We will take a look at five of the most popular programming languages to learn and why people love them.

If you are starting your programming career in 2020 or if you want to learn your first or second programming language, then it is wise to learn one of the mainstream and established programming languages. 

Worldwide Programming Language Ranking in 2020

Worldwide Programming Language Ranking in 2020
Source: PYPL

1. Python

Python is a high level and multi-paradigm programming language designed by Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer, having all the features as conventional programming languages such as C, C++ and Java have.

It is one of the fastest growing languages and has undergone a successful span of more than 25 years as far as its adoption is concerned. This success also reveals a promising future scope of python programming language.

In fact, it has been continuously serving as the best programming language for application development, web development, game development, system administration, scientific and numeric computing, GIS and Mapping etc. 

Why Is Python So Popular?

The reason behind the immense popularity of python programming language across the globe is the features it provides. Have a look at the features of python language.

  • Python Supports Multiple Programming Paradigms
  • Python Has Large Set Of Library and Tools
  • Python Has a Vast Community Support
  • Python is Designed For Better Code Readability
  • Python Contains Fewer Lines Of Codes

Future Technologies Counting On Python

Generally, we have seen that python programming language is extensively used for web development, application development, system administration, developing games etc.

But do you know there are some future technologies that are relying on python? As a matter of fact, Python has become the core language as far as the success of these technologies is concerned. Let’s dive into the technologies which use python as a core element for research, production and further developments.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Python programming language is undoubtedly dominating the other languages when future technologies like Artificial Intelligence(AI) comes into the play.

There are plenty of python frameworks, libraries, and tools that are specifically developed to direct Artificial Intelligence to reduce human efforts with increased accuracy and efficiency for various development purposes.

It is only the Artificial Intelligence that has made it possible to develop speech recognition system, autonomous cars, interpreting data like images, videos etc.

We have shown below some of the python libraries and tools used in various Artificial Intelligence branches.

  • Machine Learning- PyML, PyBrain, scikit-learn, MDP Toolkit, GraphLab Create, MIPy etc.
  • General AI- pyDatalog, AIMA, EasyAI, SimpleAI etc.   
  • Neural Networks- PyAnn, pyrenn, ffnet, neurolab etc.
  • Natural Language & Text Processing- Quepy, NLTK, gensim

2. Big Data

The future scope of python programming language can also be predicted by the way it has helped big data technology to grow. Python has been successfully contributing in analysing a large number of data sets across computer clusters through its high-performance toolkit and libraries.

2. JavaScript

According to the Stack Overflow survey of 2019 JavaScript still holds the top position in the most popular language among professional developers. so, it is most likely to be the most popular, widely used, highly paid, and (easy to learn !!) programming language in 2020 also. Will JavaScript survive in 2025?

JavaScript is pretty advanced and powerful language en par with java and c++. There is a lot of demand for js programmers. First step is to accept fact that mainstream languages like java, c++ and JavaScript are not easy to learn. It usually takes years to master any of them, so one has to pick carefully. Chances are you will not master all three of them because unlike 15 years ago, there is simply too much to learn today and things are developing further fast.

JavaScript is mostly used for front and back end web and mobile (PWA) development. You can do some light games too, you can do machine learning & NLP too because language is very broad and powerful. Yet important thing is that every mainstream language has its own main field of use, like c++ is for games and desktop apps.

Trend of the future is that desktop apps will migrate to the cloud and be used from the mobile/desktop browser like ordinary web pages (PWA). Something similar to the feel and look of MS Visual Studio Code app. For that purpose JS is positioned as the important language of the future.

Features Of JavaScript

  • Validating User's Input. JavaScript is very useful while using forms.
  • Simple Client-side Calculations. Since JavaScript is a client-side technology, it can perform basic calculations on the browser.
  • Greater Control.
  • Platform Independent.
  • Handling Dates and Time.
  • Generating HTML Content.
  • Detecting the User's Browser and OS.

What makes JavaScript so popular?

Server-side JavaScript gained popularity because it allowed for the scalability needed in cloud computing and the back-end. In the server, JavaScript can be integrated with other languages to communicate with databases. Browsers have engines that can process JavaScript quickly, and this has encouraged more server-side usage.

NodeJS or Node, is one of the most popular versions of server-side JavaScript. Node has been used to write large platforms for NASA, eBay and many others. Since JavaScript can execute programs out of order, Node can use it to create scale-able web applications, messaging platforms, and multiplayer games. This is why Google Cloud and Amazon Web Service depend on Node for some of their services.

3. Java

Java can be used to create complete applications that can run on a single computer or be distributed across servers and clients in a network. As a result, you can use it to easily build mobile applications or run on desktop applications that use different operating systems and servers, such as Linux or Windows.

The Java programming language has not been the leader for more than a decade now by chance. Indeed, Java really allows you to do everything in the world of computing.

Why you should learn Java Programming Language:

Here is my list of 10 reasons, which I tell anyone who asks my opinion about learning Java, and whether Java is the best programming language in terms of opportunities, development, and community support

  1. Java is Easy to learn
  2. Java is an Object-Oriented Programming Language
  3. Java has Rich API
  4. Powerful development tools e.g., Eclipse, Netbeans
  5. Great collection of Open Source libraries
  6. Wonderful Community Support
  7. Java Is Widely Used In Companies
  8. Excellent documentation support - Javadocs
  9. Java is Platform Independent
  10. Java is Everywhere

In 2020 Java is more than ever a programming language to learn. Whether as a first language or to broaden your programming skills, Java will bring you a lot and will be a significant asset to your career.

Of course, Java is not always the most appropriate language for each domain in the computer industry. Nevertheless, Java has the advantage of being versatile while benefiting from an execution platform, the famous Java Virtual Machine (JVM), extremely powerful which will give you the possibility to create high-performance and scalable programs.

4. C#

C# (C-Sharp) is a programming language developed by Microsoft that runs on the .NET Framework.
C# is used to develop web apps, desktop apps, mobile apps, games and much more.

C# was inspired by languages like C, C++ and Java but the designers took the best parts of them and innovated further by introducing new concepts like value types, properties and events. For example, C# does not allows to use raw pointers directly to memory and it does not offer multiple class inheritance. C# provides a garbage collector that is handling the memory on your behalf. For the majority of scenarios, you don’t need to worry about memory management and that is just an example of what makes working with C# a lot easier.

The C# language is also easy to learn because by learning a small subset of the language you can immediately start to write useful code. More advanced features can be learnt as you become more proficient, but you are not forced to learn them to get up and running.

C# is very good at encapsulating complexity. Sometimes, you can successfully use C# features even without fully understanding how they work under the covers. You can work with iterators for years without ever understanding how they work. You can work with async and await without knowledge of all the intricacies about how the feature is implemented by the compiler. This is the important OO encapsulation principle applied to the language itself. I find this to be remarkable about C#.

Why you should learn C#?

Here is the top 5 reason to learn C# in 2020

1. C# is simple, readable and easy to use
2. C# is all about developer productivity
3. C# is a multi-paradigm programming language
4. C# is a flexible general-purpose language
5. C# runs on a solid well-engineered .NET runtime

5. PHP

The world of the Internet is similar to the universe – there might be an end somewhere, but we can’t see it. Thousands of new websites are launched each and every day and this tendency doesn’t seem to stop. But have you ever wondered how are these sites are made?
When it comes to choosing the programming language the choice might be hard to make. There are so many options available on the market that you might feel like a child in a candy store.
Nevertheless, programmers are used to choosing one or two languages to stay focused. Admit it, being an expert in one technology is better than knowing several ones but on the beginner level.

What are the main advantages of PHP?

PHP is known to be the most frequently used programming language. Just imagine, more than 88% of websites are built with PHP!
Interesting fact: PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page. Now the meaning has transformed into Hypertext Pre-processor.

Open Source

The first thing you need to know about PHP is that this technology is free in all senses. The crucial point of open source tech is the large community of developers working with it. Not only they are using PHP each day, but also bring new positive changes and enhancements. Programmers can learn faster and implement cutting-edge solutions as soon as possible. Moreover, PHP has its own support, unlike many other programming languages. All these factors lead to the arrival of the new frameworks, components and other tools that make PHP even better. No wonder, PHP is so widespread.


Building a website or a web application, creators are probably looking forward the projects’ growth. Therefore scalability is the quality that is very important, as the website should grow and handle the increasing traffic. Websites built with PHP can be easily extended by adding more servers when needed. More users = more servers. Voila!
P.S. Since PHP is supporting all the main web browsers, scalability is not a problem.

High Speed

Since PHP uses its own memory, both workload and loading time are reduced. As a result, the processing speed is rather high, which is a benefit not only for developers but also to their clients who get the product delivered sooner.


Some blame PHP to be not secure as it is open source. But the truth is any programming language is vulnerable, it’s just a matter how they are used. The security level depends on the expertise of a developer and his practices. For example, one of the ways to avoid security breaches is to provide software testing. By the way, it’s an essential milestone of each project completed by our team.

Cost Efficient

Since PHP is an open source it doesn’t require any additional expensive software to work with. You don’t have to pay for any extra licenses or royalty fees, there are no restrictions. Due to the multiple integration options, using PHP is free of charge that reduces the development cost.

Custom development

The server-side PHP is the best tool for creating custom websites, as it’s not limited by any custom options. Hence, developers can create web platform based on PHP that exactly matches the clients’ needs. For instance, combined with JavaScript the dev team can build a functional and good looking website at the same time.
Giant companies will never risk their future on any language that has not come out of its shell .
So back to your question php has come to stay for a very long time, moreover, if you know how to code very well in php or any other language switching won't be a problem.
